The Blushing Bride-To-Be

{The radiant bride-to-be (and my little sister), Laura}
On the first Sunday in April, we showered Laura at Hotel Ella in Austin. For those in Texas, you may remember tornado warnings, treacherous rain, and hail descended on the state that morning. As we got ready at 9am, we watched as the skies turned eerie green, then completely black. Unfortunately, the scary weather meant that many out-of-towners couldn't make it, including one of the hosts, Audrey. (She had the unique experience of taking a 3 hour flight from Dallas (normally a 45 minute trip). The plane attempted many alternative routes in-air to make it to Austin, but ultimately had to land in Houston. Crazy!)
Luckily, one hour into the party the sun came out! It turned out to be the most beautiful day. These sunny, celebratory photos represent the spirit of the afternoon and Laura's demeanor: warm, relaxed and happy. We all can't wait for her June wedding!

{My mom greeting one of her lifelong friends, and Laura's Godmother!}

{Laura and some of her closest college girlfriends. Beautiful women and friendship!

{Beautiful Momma and the gorgeous flower crown provided by our cousin, Audrey}

{This photo is so special. From left to right: our mom, Laura, Deana and me. Deana is one of my mom's best friends and babysat 2.5 year old me when Laura was born.}

Afterward, Laura told us that the shower exceeded all of her expectations. I'm so glad she had the time of her life, this sweet girl is so loved by many.